Advanced and easy to use app.
Designed for optometrists. Can't be easier ↓
Import patient's selfie
Take a photo or get one from the patient who should be wearing the glasses frame.
Enter Eye Size & Bridge Size
Provide eye size and bridge size (optional) values which are written on the frame.
Measure it all
You are all set! Measure and get precise calculations for all required metrics.
A new way to manage your work related to optometry.
All you need in one place
Eye size, bridge size, pupil distance, angels and more
Sophisticated algorithm calculates with the highest precision possible
Easy to use
Best in class user experience inspired by community
And more
We think we cover it all. Just install the app and get it done

Our Team

Download our app right now and try it for free!
The app is intended for optometry professionals. It helps with performing eye measure examinations like pupil distance, vertex distance, inclination angle and many more. and many more.
- 10 FREE examinations & No Ads
- Flexible subscription plans
- Tutorials included

Choose the subscription plan
that works best for you.
- 10 Examination
1 Month
BGN 9.59
- Unlimitted examinations
3 Months
BGN 25.99
- Unlimitted examinations
6 Months
BGN 39.99
- Unlimitted examinations
12 Months
BGN 67.99
- Unlimitted examinations
- Curated to your needs